Village of Mamaroneck Tentative 2022-2023 Budget: 1.69% Tax Decrease

March 17, 2022 (Mamaroneck, N.Y.) — Jerry Barberio, Village Manager and Budget Officer for the Village of Mamaroneck, filed the 2022-2023 Tentative Budget with the Village's Clerk-Treasurer yesterday, March 16, 2022 (five days ahead of the New York State mandated March 20th deadline). The filed Tentative Budget reflects a 1.69% tax rate decrease.

2022-2023 Tentative Budget Presentation JPG
(Click here for the 2022-2023 Tentative Budget Presentation that was shared at the March 28th Board of Trustees Meeting.)

“If the budget continues to maintain current revenue and expenditure forecasts through the budget process, said Mr. Barberio, “then Village property owners will see a decrease in their Village tax bills in the 2022-2023 fiscal year.”

Lowering the tax rate was possible due to several factors. Effective expenditure forecasting by Department Heads, informed revenue analysis by the Manager’s and the Clerk-Treasurer’s staff, and the valuations set by the Town of Mamaroneck and the Town of Rye.

The 2022-2023 Tentative Budget also includes:

  1. Newly formed Village of Mamaroneck emergency management team.
  2. Volunteer Firefighter Injury Fund.
  3. Increase in Village of Mamaroneck Day Camp Scholarships.
  4. River Gauge Monitoring.
  5. Police Reform and Reinvention Initiatives.
  6. Absorbing a 13% increase in health care costs and a 33% increase in flood and general insurance costs.

“For over a decade, the Village’s Board of Trustees, to their credit, has approved the use of $600,000 in surplus to lower the effective tax rate for Village residents,” said Mr. Barberio. “Each year not only has that money been replaced, but additional surplus has been added to the fund for a total of $17,153,450. The effective use of this surplus continues in this budget; but Village property owners will see their tax bills go done by 1.69%. That is great news!”

Said Mr. Barberio, “I want to thank the Village’s Board of Trustees, Department Heads and staff and the Budget Committee for all their support.”

In addition to two Public Hearings (one on March 28 and the other on April 25), the 2022-2023 budget will be discussed at five work sessions focusing on each Village department. For a complete list of Hearing Dates and Work Sessions, click here. Among the scheduled Work Sessions, the Board of Trustees will discuss the Village’s Capital Budget on Wednesday, March 30, 2022. As a result of the extension of Governor Hochul's Executive Order 11.4, these Public Hearings and Work Sessions will be conducted via Zoom. Please refer to the Village’s online calendar for information on how to participate in the Public Hearings or how to view the Work Session.
